Blog, Cake Baking and Decorating


Finally guys, we have reached the end of the series – ESSENTIAL KITCHEN EQUIPMENT GUIDE FOR THE NIGERIA  HOME BAKER and for the last part we would be considering baking tools, preserving tools and other miscellaneous items.
Talking about the baking tools, some people bake perfect cakes using a pot and stove (me inclusive) while others just burn their cake with it (tutorial on that would be up soon). The baking tools guide has been split into two; for the stove baking and oven baking.
ALUMINIUM POT: when getting a pot for stove baking, it’s really advisable you get aluminium pot because aluminium pots would withstand the heat of baking more than other pots. You can either buy a new aluminium pot or condemn (not really condemn, you know what I mean) your old pot for it.
When choosing pots try getting the big ones and please ensure the cover of the pot fits properly.
STOVE: buying a stove should be dependent on the size of your pot. Ensure the regulators of the stove you are getting are in perfect condition because you might need to regulate your stove when your cake is on fire.
STAINLESS STEEL PLATE: when baking with stove, it’s important you provide a base for you cake to sit on, a levelled surface. Some people use sand others use stone; I personally use flat stainless steel plate.
OVEN: if you plan starting a business of baking then you need to invest in an oven. They are various kinds of oven, electric, charcoal etc. and they are different sizes too. Some people construct theirs to suit their taste and size of kitchen. When getting electric oven, consider how often you get light in your area butter still, you can get one that uses both electricity and charcoal.
CLINGFILM/FOIL: any of these can work although I think cling film works better. After baking and cooling your cakes, wrap it up with either the cling film or foil. This prevents anything from touching your cake and also prevents it from getting soggy in the fridge.
FRIDGE: you would certainly require this if you intend keeping your baked cake for a while, just wrap it and refrigerate it or freeze it if you prefer. Cakes put in the fridge last way longer than those that aren’t.
SIEVE: sieve is used to sift your dry ingredients, when investing in one, get the tiny netted ones usually referred to as mesh sieve, some even have double nets.
KNIFE/SKEWER: you need any of these to check when your cake is done. Any can work but most times, I double check with both the knife and skewer.
COOLING RACK/TRAYS: they are important for turning your cake over from the pan and they also serve as a cooling platter
GRATER: these is important for adding some ingredients to your cakes, e.g. orange zest, lemon zest, nutmeg etc.



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